つまりGimme Gimme Pleasure!

shinsoku COD summary and thoughts

i read the shinsoku COD story last, so here's a summary and my own thoughts on shinsoku's story writing. it was just google translated but it's coherent enough, however i have glossed over and condensed some points so please read the story itself to form your own opinion. thank you to izzy for letting me borrow her account.



after everything i heard about the long-length stories of stories of FRAME, C.FIRST, beit, kogado... i'm really disappointed at how mid the shinsoku story was. it doesn't feel much different from a regular moba story. it felt like way too straightforward and convenient and there was nothing to really mull on outside of the idea of "shinsoku look bad on the surface but are actually nice" which i think has already been done better in aside famille. i guess i complained about devil's rock touching on that subject too briefly, but... this also felt like a load of nothing.

i think the story would've been more interesting if they went for one of these routes:

  1. shinsoku tried to go ahead with the live even without school approval, and learned a lesson about how it's kinda weird and selfish to mix a commercial company's business with their personal interest in giving this random school a good send-off.
  2. everything got approved, but the town chairman thing never happened, so shinsoku held a low-budged live and showed cool WDGAF yankee spirit, even if it meant disturbing the townspeople (which is opposite the point of the story but i'm gonna be honest it's so ??? to have the yankee idols be this subject to authority. they're not beating up random people on the street, it's fucking HOA noise restrictions).
  3. shinsoku's own ouken high was closing down and they had to deal with drama regarding that instead of it being some other NPC's school. the reason i suggest this love-live-esque situation is that sideM has literally had a an event where the idols perform for a school that's closing down in the past (some mstage christmas event), so it just felt like deja vu.

or like, anything else.

i talked about it with yata and got him to read three kingdoms and aside famille, two of my favorite sideM events from 2017. he brought up the interesting point that pre-saisuta, sideM handled its stories very indirectly. using aside famille as an example, the game progresses kazuki's relationship with his father by having F-LAGS perform in a PV of his 'father's' work, rather than having kazuki talk to his dad in-person. it's not just because of the nature of kazuki and his dad itself, but because all pre-saisuta stories never showed NPC dialogue (in F-LAGS's saisuta story, kazuki talks directly to his dad in the very second chapter haha).

while i thought the shinsoku COD was weak in comparison to the other CODs/fancoms, it's also something that only could have been done post-saisuta. not just due to the length and voice acting, but because the NPCs themselves make for such an important part of the story. in fact, i think the emotional core of the COD was 1) the student council president realizing how much his teacher cared about the students, and 2) the student council president telling shinsoku how they influenced his life. those elements wouldn't be possible back in sideMoba.

since it's a story where the 'heart' is in dialogue and not actions, proper translation and localization matters a lot IMO. especially since it's shinsoku ikkon whose manner of speech never reads naturally from machine translation alone. maybe if someone ever translates it fully i'll find myself liking it a ton. sorry for being fickle.

well, i'm already liking it better the more i write about it. really, i don't think there's anything wrong with it in itself, it's only disappointing compared to what i heard of the other CODs. LOL. there's nothing wrong with a story just being cute and straightforward! the appeal is in the dialogue and interactions, not what happens overall!... is what i want to think, but...

i don't feel like the COD set down any plot points for future stories like beit/kogado's did, but we already know shinsoku fancom is going to be about suzaku and minori, so i'm looking forward to that.

yata mentioned that he thought project sekai's wonderlands x showtime had the best writing in their game. apparently their overall storyline progresses well, with plot threads continuously being resolved and opened across multiple events. in contrast, sideM characters have been stuck with the same overarching goal for a decade. as he mentioned, it's something that live service games do in general, but i also think idolmaster in particular is very dedicated to providing the 'slice of life' atmosphere where anyone can jump in and learn a little bit about any idol at any time.

while i really do like this sort of writing, i also hope to see shinsoku make progression in their overall story after so long, whether that's more focus on suzaku's dad or him finding out he met minori years ago. gimme something new!


