つまりGimme Gimme Pleasure!

my favorite numbers

my two favorite numbers are 36 and 7. i think 7 is a pretty obvious choice; it's the most popular favorite number in the world after all. 7 scratches the same sort of itch that picking the third turtle in a twitter poll of four turtle racers does. it's a prime number that feels like it's in a good place compared to 1 or 3 (too close to the start), 5 (right in the middle), or 9 (too close to the end). it's unique within the first 10 numbers for having no connection to the others. and it's strongly cemented in life with things like the days of the week, the seven deadly sins, matariki, etc. all round, it feels like a good, lucky number.

as for 36, i started liking it due to jojo's bizarre adventure. i have no idea what this means in retrospect but apparently dio needed the lives of 36 sinful humans to attain heaven or something. anyway, i'm pretty sure it's based on tzadikim nistarim, or 36 righteous people. i didn't have any interest in religion back then so i think the concept just sounded cool, haha. in contrast to 7, 36 has a lot of connections with other numbers through its many factors so i think it feels like a nice, even number. plus, by japanese wordplay, 363 neatly spells out my artist name (with an 'R' instead of an 'L').

of course, i also like 283, 315, and 765! 722 is also a good number for me— that's genbu's birthday!
