つまりGimme Gimme Pleasure!

monthly recap (july 2024)

i went to japan and completed the release of sideM zine but i'll write about those later. lately i've been doing a lot of blog writing for work so i'm happy about that, but communicating with others is too hard.

nakkyan and kuwachan message board

genbu's voice actor, fukamachi toshinari (nakkyan) went to AX in america. my friend ru held a message board for him and his co-star yuki kuwahara (kuwachan), so i did a doodle for each... making up for not being able to write a letter to nakkyan while i was at 9th. ru's blog post on the topic is a fantastic in-depth read with lovely artwork, so please check that out.

#AnimeExpo2024 2日目!
皆さんそれぞれ #ありふれた への愛を伝えて下さり、私も身振り手振りを駆使しつつ思い切り気持ちを込めてお礼を伝えました!🙌

Thank you so much! https://t.co/ehNWxcPIkQ pic.twitter.com/svk32cTYnS

— 桑原由気(くわはらゆうき) (@yuuki_0624) July 7, 2024

i was surprised that kuwachan posted it on twitter, and i'm really glad for ru that she did! on the other hand, it's embarrassing to realize that she saw my shitty 5 minute doodle of yue. but i'm sooo happy nakkyan saw my genbu fanart!!!

auckland zinefest

i attended zinefest as a viewer, and by attended i mean that i spent 10 minutes at the venue before i got too annoyed by how crowded it was. i'm glad that i was able to get by hands on the second edition of the fresh fruits street style zine by @homepage_anti this time. i got the 1st issue a few years back and loved it, was everything i wanted out of an auckland version of fruits magazine.

genbaro anthology

the secret project that i've been posting about constantly is participating in the genbaro anthology. this time, i drew a 20-ish page comic and a risoprint. i had them printed along with the risoprint pcards from last month!

art log

became a sideM art account again for a good minute. additional GIF i'm too lazy to upload at the moment. i'm trying to be more conscious of graphic design in illustration, realizing that sometimes it is more about framing than just the drawing itself. i'm not sure if i'll continue with it since i like drawing full backgrounds more but sideM doesn't inspire me often when it comes to that.

media log

#art #convention #goods #illustration #recap