つまりGimme Gimme Pleasure!

christmas again

i'm kinda pissed off... i cbf writing about what's irritating me in detail when it's 5 am but i hate how prideful and paranoid i am. it's only gotten worse with time. i think about justin bieber and i wonder how he can stand to be seen so much in the spotlight when everyone knows and judges him for all of his actions since his childhood years. i symapthize with him, but i could never stand to be in his shoes when i want to pass out just posting online in a fucking private group chat.

i drew christmas pictures for sideM santa and dogs zine.

i also finished the DGS christmas piece. but frankly, i can't say i like it too much... it just doesn't read very well as sholmes lifting iris up due to her dress covering his hand. the perspective of the tree isn't great either, and the colors are a complete mess. but still, i tried something new and i'm excited to do another piece with a background when i wake up.

fuck, now i'm doubly pissed off because i realized the reason the angle looks extra fucked up is that the christmas lights don't follow the correct perspective at all... ahh, don't annoy me... fuck off...

#art #illustration